Statistics Report
You can view statistics report of a plant, and the report types include daily report, weekly report, monthly report, annual report, and overall report.
The steps of viewing daily report, weekly report, monthly report, annual report, and overall report are the same, and description is given by using the steps of viewing daily report as an example.
Viewing daily report
1.Click the menu “Report” to enter the “All” tab by default.
2.Click “Statistics reports -> Daily report” to enter the corresponding interface, on which statistics information of the plant on the current day is displayed by default, including today yield, today revenue, etc.
3.Perform the following operations according to actual conditions.
Viewing report on the specific day
Click the icon , select the desired date. Corresponding data will be displayed.
Exporting report
Click “Export”, select a desired location, and click “save” to save the report locally.
文档更新时间: 2020-05-06 13:29 作者:zhanghong