Onduty Log

Click “Management -> Onduty Log”, to enter the corresponding interface, on which you can view duty logs of the group or a single plant.

Search Bar

Set time segment, enter operator on duty and recording content, and select record type. Click “Search” to view the corresponding duty logs.

Operation Bar
  • Modify onduty logs

1.Click the icon to enter the corresponding interface.

2.Fill in related information.

Parameter Description
Operator On Duty * On duty staff, clicking the icon to select on duty operator
Record Type * Click the icon to select record type
Record Time Time of the record
Uploading Appendix Upload related attachment
Recording Content * Fill in specific content of the log

*indicates fields that must be filled in.

3.Click “Submit”.

  • Delete onduty log

Click the icon , and a window pops up. Click “Confirm” to delete the corresponding log.

Add Onduty Log

1.Click “Add” to enter the corresponding interface.

2.Fill in related information, where reference can be made to the table described in modifying onduty log

3.Click “Submit”.

Export Onduty Log

Click “Export”, select a desired storage location, and click “save” to save the log locally.

文档更新时间: 2021-02-04 09:52   作者:zhanghong