Plant List

Click “Plant -> Plant list” to enter the corresponding interface, on which information such as power installed, real-time power, daily yield, alarm, and communication is displayed.

Plant Search Bar

Quick search: enter the plant name and click the icon to view the corresponding plant list.

Detailed search: click the icon , enter the plant name and device S/N, select power installed, type, and organization, and click “Confirm”, to view the corresponding plant list.

Refresh Time

The refresh time is 5 min by default (the minimum refresh interval). Tick “Refresh Time”, and click the icon to increase the value or click the icon to decrease the value.

Click the icon to refresh the plant list immediately.

Plant Information List

Click the icon on the left of the plant name field, to view the detailed plant information.

Click the alarm icon to jump to the alarm management interface.

Click the icon to jump to the “Plant Unit” interface.

文档更新时间: 2020-03-02 11:10   作者:zhanghong