View the Chart

  1. Click “Chart” to enter the corresponding interface.

  2. Select parameters of a corresponding device in the plant list to add a parameter curve. The upper part displays curve within a day by default. The lower part displays parameter list. You can change the curve type and statistical patter.

  3. Optionally, click in the upper right corner of the interface to display the parameters in the table form. Click , and a “Save as” window pops up. Select a report storage location and click “Save” to save the report locally.

Further Operations
  • Deleting a single curve

Click the icon in the parameter list area, to delete the corresponding curve.

  • Deleting all curves

Click the icon in title bar of the parameter list area, to delete all the curves.

文档更新时间: 2021-06-26 10:56   作者:zhanghong