Configure photovoltaic sub-array

Introduce how the distributor/installer configures the photovoltaic sub-array.


Successfully log in to iSolarDesign system.

The computer can access the network.

  1. Configure PV module information.
Parameter name Description
Favorites Display the PV modules favorited by users.
Manufacturer Click Icon to select PV module manufacturer.
Model Click Icon to select the PV module model.
After the model is selected, the detailed information of the photovoltaic module is automatically filled in, and modification is supported.
  1. (Optional) Collect PV module information.

You can modify the PV module parameter value, click Icon, click “Next” to save the current PV module information.

Click on ‘’ Icon’’, click “Next” to cancel the current favorite PV module information.

  1. Configure the PV sub-array information.

Click on ‘CLICK TO ADD PV ARRAY’, add “photovoltaic sub-array”.

parameter name Description
Name Name of the photovoltaic sub-array.
The default is PV sub-array 1, which supports modification within 32 characters.
Module Model Configure the PV module model selected in the PV information, which cannot be modified.
Number of PV modules The default is 100, and the range is 1~1000000.
STC peak
[kWp] Maximum power under STC conditions.
After entering the number of photovoltaic modules, the system automatically calculates the peak power and cannot be modified.
Installation Type Click Icon to select the installation type.
Roof: The maximum ambient temperature plus 30 °C participates in the calculation of Min.V DC.
Grounding support: the highest ambient temperature plus 20 °C to participate in the calculation of Min.V DC.
Azimuth [°] Azimuth of the photovoltaic sub-array.
The default is 0°, and the range is -180° ~ + 180°.
0° is south, +90° is west, -90° is east.
Inclination [°] Inclination angle between the photovoltaic sub-array and the ground.
The default is 30°, and the range is 0° ~ 90°.
0° is horizontal, 90° is vertical.
  1. (Optional) Repeat step 3 to add multiple photovoltaic sub-arrays.
    The installation type of two or more photovoltaic sub-arrays must be the same.

  2. Click the upper right corner of the photovoltaic sub-array Icon to delete the PV sub-array information.
    Only when there are two or more photovoltaic sub-arrays can the photovoltaic sub-array be deleted.

  3. Click “Next” to configure the PV module and PV sub-array information successfully.

  • If you need to continue to configure the inverter, see the chapter “Configuring the inverter”.

  • If you do not need to continue to configure the inverter, click “Back”.

文档更新时间: 2021-01-13 19:57   作者:human