Live Data

The live data function allows a large amount of data to be collected from the device in a relatively short period of time, and this function can be enabled or disenabled in necessary scenarios.


  1. Tick the plant on the left side of the plant list bar, or enter the plant name and click to search for the plant. The operation bar shows the devices under the plant.

  2. Enter “Device S/N”, “Device Name”, tick “Device Type”, “Plant Status”, and “live data status” in the device query field, click , and the page displays the eligible devices.

  3. Tick the devices of which the live data function needs to be enabled/disenabled or click “All” at the bottom of the action bar.

  4. Click the “Close” or “Open” button at the bottom of the action bar to enable/disenable live data function on individual or batch devices.

  5. Optional:

  • Click the card of the device of which the live data function needs to be enabled /disenabled to bring up the live data interface.

  • Click the “Live Data” button in the upper left corner to enable/disenable the live data function.

文档更新时间: 2021-06-26 10:59   作者:zhanghong