Home Interface Description

This chapter describes the home interface of the iSolarCloud background management system and corresponding functions.

  1. Menu bar 2. Information display area 3. Personal center
Menu bar

The menu bar displays main function categories of the background management system. Users can switch to the corresponding interface of different functions and perform related operations.

Menu Submenu Description
Plant management Plant management Add, modify, manage, and delete plant devices.
Set economic and environmental benefits.
Channel management View the information on the plant device; modify and delete channels.
System management User management Modify, delete, and lock user information.
Configure the user role.
Set the region of the organization managing the plant.
View the plant list.
Log management Display the history operating records.
Organization management View detailed plant and account information.
Modify organization information, add/delete nodes.
Fault management Add, modify, and delete plans.
News management Add, modify, and delete the news.

Information display area

Content displayed in this area varies with function interfaces.

Personal center

Description of function buttons

Button Description
Collapse Click the icon to collapse the menu bar.。
Refresh Click the icon to refresh the current interface.。
Full screen Click the icon to enter the full screen; and press “ESC” to exit the full screen.
User center Click “Account and security” to bind a phone number or an e-mail address for retrieving password. In addition, you can change the password.
Click “Help” to view the corresponding user manual.
Click “Logout” to log out of the iSolarCloud background management system.
文档更新时间: 2021-06-26 10:57   作者:zhanghong