Primary Wiring Diagram

Click “Plant -> Diagram” to enter the corresponding interface, on which you can view and modify the primary wiring diagram of the plant.

Plant Search Bar

Quick search: enter the plant name and click , to view the corresponding plant list.

Detailed search: Move the cursor to , click that slides out, enter the plant name and device S/N. Tick “Installed Power”, “Plant Type” and “Company Name” and click “Comfirm” to view the corresponding plant list.

Refresh Time

The refresh time is 1min by default (the minimum refresh interval). Tick “Refresh Time”, and click to increase the value or click to decrease the value.

Uploading Wiring Diagram

Click “Upload”, and a window pops up. Click “Select File” to select a file, click “Open”, and then “Submit”, to finish the uploading operation.

Edit Wiring Diagram

Click “Edit”,to edit the wiring diagram.

文档更新时间: 2021-04-30 17:39   作者:admin