Adding the User

This section describes the procedure of adding new users.


The user has the permission of adding new users.


1.Click “Add” to enter the corresponding interface.

2.Fill in the user information.

Parameter* Description
User account* The login account, through which the user logs into the iSolarCloud background management system
Nickname* Account nickname
User type* The user type includes: general and administrator.
The administrator can visit the background management system, and manage information at this level or information on subordinate nodes, including creating region sub-nodes, creating accounts, and managing plants.
The general user cannot visit the background management system and can only visit the foreground O&M system and iSolarCloud APP.
Role* When the user type is administrator, you do not need to configure the role.
The general user has to configure the role. The general user can allocate corresponding roles according to the function demands. The description of role type is as follows:
- Large screen role: Users of this role can visit the large screen. The large screen website:
- Household role: Residential role。
- Group administrator: can create, edit, and delete plants, and can log into the foreground O&M system and iSolarCloud APP.
- Ordinary role: can only view plant data, and cannot edit, delete, or create plants information via the foreground O&M system or iSolarCloud APP.
- O&M role (including the authority to edit power plant): can create and edit plants as well as log into the foreground O&M system and iSolarCloud APP, but cannot delete plants.
- O&M role (including the authority to edit/delete power plant): can create, edit, and delete plants as well as log into the foreground O&M system and iSolarCloud APP.
Work number Phone number of the contact
Email* E-mail address of the contact
Time zone Time zone of the user
Organization* Organization to which the user belongs
Remarks -

Note: * indicates fields that must be filled in.

3.Click “Confirm” to finish the adding operation, where the newly added user information is displayed on the user list.

文档更新时间: 2021-04-30 17:24   作者:admin