Live Data

Users with live data permission can use this function to judge the operating status of the device.


The current user has permission for live data function.


  1. Click “More -> Live Data” to enter the “Plant” interface.

  2. Enter the plant name to view the plant of which the live data function needs to be enabled/disenabled or to view the live data of the plant.

  3. Live data switch

  • Tick the devices of which the live data function needs to be enabled/disenabled, or tick “Total Plant Devices” at the bottom of the interface.

  • Click “Close” to disenable the live data function; click “Open” to enable the live data function.

  • Optional: Click the device to go directly to the live data interface, and click button at the top right of the page to enable/disenable the live data function.

  1. View live data
  • Click the device to enter the live data interface. The interface diaplays the measuring point interface and the curve interface.

  • Click behind the measuring point to view the measuring point curve.

  • Measuring point preceded by is a live data measuring point that is not supported by the current device.

文档更新时间: 2021-04-25 15:12   作者:zhanghong