Interface Description

Click the menu “Home” to enter the corresponding interface, on which you can view plant information, share plants, etc.

  1. Menu Bar 2. Help 3. Personal center 4. Plant query bar 5. Plant information List 6. Plant operation Bar

Menu bar

The menu bar displays main function categories of the iSolarCloud. Users can switch to the corresponding interface of different functions and perform related operations.

Function page Description
Home Display plant list.
View detailed plant information.
Share or delete plants.
Fault View fault information of plant devices.
Report View plant statistics reports (daily report, weekly report, monthly report, annual report and overall report); create self-defined reports.
Curve View plant power generation curve.
Advanced Settings Set initial grid connection parameters of plant devices.
Firmware update Upgrade plant software device.
String IV curve scan and diagnosis Scan component I-V curve, diagnose component working status, and automatically locate faulty components.
Failure plan Set plant plan manner.
Only the distributor/installer has the permission of firmware update and string IV curve scan and diagnosis.


Item Description
About Click “About” to view the software version, terms of service, and privacy policy.
User manual Click “User manual” to view the corresponding user manual.
Help center Click “Help center” to view FAQs.

Personal center

Item Description
Me Profile Click "Me" to enter the user information interface, on which you can modify nickname and user ID, select country (region), and set time zone.
The distributor/installer can view his organization information, but the end user does not have organization information.
When the country (region) is set to Brazil or Mexico, the field "Superior Code" must be filled in.
Account and security Click "Account and security" to bind a phone number or email address for retrieving password. In addition, you can change the password and delete account.
Privacy You can determine whether to receive notifications.
General settings You can switch the language, theme color, background color, radiation unit, and temperature unit.
Background management If you have the background management permission, click "Background management" to enter the corresponding interface.

Plant query bar

Users can search for desired plants by setting corresponding conditions.

Plant information list

Display all plants of the current user and plants shared by others.

Plant operation bar

You can share and delete plants.

Only the end user can share plants, and the distributor/installer does not have the sharing permission but can receive shared plants.
文档更新时间: 2020-02-26 11:05   作者:zhanghong