Plant Configuration

This section describes how to modify plant information and how to set the tariff.

Modifying plant information

This section describes how to edit basic plant information.


The user has the permission of editing plant information.

  1. Click “Plant configuration”-> “Plant” to enter the corresponding interface.

  2. Fill in the basic plant information.

Parameter Description
Plant name* User self-defined name
Owner’s email The e-mail address of the end user, used for receiving fault and alarm notification messages.
Power installed* Plant installed power
Click “Setting” and a setting window pops up.
Click to enter the power value, in kWp.
Click “Confirm”.
Plant type* It can be set to “Utility”, “Commercial PV”, “Residential (PV)”, “Residential (Storage)”, and “Microgrid” according to the application scenario.
Grid-connection type It can be set to “100% Feed-in”, “Self-consumption”, “Zero Export”, or “Off-grid”.
Location The system automatically obtains the longitude, latitude and detailed address of the plant.
Users can manually modify longitude, latitude, and detailed address of the plant.
Image Click “Image upload” to select a local image and upload it.
Country (region) Country (region) where the plant is located at.
Time zone Time zone of the plant
Time of connection Time at which iSolarCloud starts to monitor the plant
Grid-connection date It is the time of creating the plant by default.
Click the icon to modify the grid-connection time.
Plant delivery address and zip Delivery address and zip code for spare parts
Distributor/installer organization code -

Note: * indicates fields that must be filled in.

  • The end user assigns the distributor/installer to manage the plant, and fills in the distributor/installer organization code which can be obtained from the corresponding distributor/installer.
  • If the end user changes another distributor/installer to manage the plant, click the button to modify the organization code, so that the plant will be managed by the another distributor/installer.

  • The distributor/installer can change the organization code to transfer the plant to another distributor/installer for management.

  1. Click “Save”.


The tariff is used to calculate revenue.

This section describes how to set a specified tariff and TOU tariff.


The user has the permission of setting the tariff.

  1. Click “Plant configuration”-> “Tariff” to enter the corresponding interface.

  2. Set the tariff to a specific value or set the TOU tariff.

  • Setting the tariff to a specific value

    Specific value: the tariff is the same for all time segments.

    1. Select a charging unit.

    2. Enter the tariff.

    3. Click “Save”.

  • Setting TOU tariff

    TOU tariff: the tariff is different at different time segment.

    1.Select a charging unit.

    2.Enable “TOU tariff”.

    3.Fill in start time, end time, and price.

    4.Optionally, click “Add” to set time segment and tariff.

    5.Optionally, repeat the foregoing step to set TOU tariff for multiple time segments within a day.

    6.Fill in “Price in other time period”.

    7.Click “Save”.

Click to delete the corresponding setting item.

TOU tariff should cover 24 hours and be different in each time segment.

Layout Settings

On this interface, users can set the physical layout of modules.


The current account has the permission to set the physical layout.

  1. Click “Plant Configuration” -> “Layout Settings”.

  2. Import optimizer and module information.

    The information can be imported by clicking “Import” or “Generate From Image”. It is recommended to use “Import” for commercial PV plants and “Generate From Image” for residential PV plants.

  • Import

    1. Click and select “Import”.

    2. If there is no template, click “Click to Download Template”. Fill in the information about inverter S/N and inverter number, optimizer S/N and optimizer number in the template. After editing the template, click “Select File” to import the template and click “Import”.

    3. If there are already some PV modules in the current layout, importing the template will clear all existing settings, Click “Confirm”.

    4. If there are already some PV modules in the current layout, importing the template will clear all existing settings. Click “Confirm”.

Fill in the physical layout template according to the actual conditions of the plant.
Fill in the inverter S/N and number, which is automatically generated on the "Layout" page. Select "Logical Layout" to view the inverter number.
Fill in the optimizer S/N and define the optimizer number (for example, the number of the first optimizer in string 1 that is connected to inverter 1 is 1-1-1, and so on).
If there is a PV module but no optimizer, paint the square cell black.
The optimizer S/N and the optimizer number cells can be expanded by adding rows and columns (up to 1,000 rows and 1,000 columns) according to the actual conditions.
  • Generate From Image

    1. Click “Generate From Image” to upload the physical layout template photo of the plant.

    2. If there are already some PV modules in the current layout, importing the template will clear all existing settings. Click “Confirm” to finish the layout setting. The layout of PV modules that have bound with optimizer is displayed.

Please turn off the live function of the mobile phone camera when taking photos and upload a still photo. Otherwise the QR code may not be recognized.
Please check the recognition result carefully. If the QR code cannot be recognized due to damage, folding, etc., please manually assign the optimizer by selecting the S/N.
  1. If the QR code of some optimizers cannot be recognized by the above methods, manually assign the optimizer and the PV module in the layout.

    1. Drag and drop the PV module to the layout, fill in the PV module information such as line, column, and angle, and then click “Confirm”.

    2. Right-click a PV module, click “Assign”, and select the optimizer S/N to assign the optimizer to the PV module.

  2. Click “Logic”, select the inverter and the string number, and select modules according to the actual connection order of optimizers and click “String Together”. After all strings are configured, click “Publish” in the upper-right corner to finish the physical layout setting.

Icon Description
  1. Click to zoom in the layout in the edit area.

  2. Click to zoom out the layout in the edit area.

  3. Click to place the layout in the middle of the edit area.

  4. Click to view operation instructions.

Function Description
Drag Drag Images for PV modules or Inverters to the Edit Area.
Drag images for Inverters assign to Inverters in the Device List and Optimizers assign to PV Modules.
Move Content on the Edit Area.
Single Click PV module images or inverter images on the chosen edit area .
Double click Rotate PV Module Images on the Edit Area.
Long Press Drag Images for PV modules on the Edit Area.
Copy Right-click on a selected equipment image to select the copy function.
Unassign Right-click on a selected equipment image to unassign a device.
Delete Right-click on a selected equipment image to select the delete function.
文档更新时间: 2023-05-04 10:36   作者:zhanghong